Article scientifically and medically reviewed for accuracy. Colin Reily is a Professor of Medicine and scientific consultant.

cbda for back pain

cbda for back pain

CBDA for Back Pain – How the Cannabis Plant can Help Finding the right back pain relief can be difficult. Since much of the chronic pain management drugs have significant side effects, patients have turned to alternatives like cannabis plants for help. Many people report significant improvements with CBDA or CBD oils that do not…

CBDA edibles

All about cbda edibles

All About CBDA Edibles Edibles are becoming the most popular way to consume all the great cannabinoids from hemp plants. Whether its gummies, cookies, brownies, or candy, they taste great and you can pack all the CBD and CBDA oil you need in one snack. With the rise of new technology and research into cannabidiolic…

does cbd oil make your eyes red

does cbd oil make your eyes red

CBD Oil: Does CBD Oil Make Your Eyes Red? The use of CBD oil is a growing trend in the health and wellness industry. It has been used for its potential health benefits in treating seizures, joint discomfort, inflammation, and even mental issues like anxiety. But a lot of people are asking, “ Does CBD…

cbd edibles for seniors

cbd edibles for seniors

CBD Edibles for Seniors – Pain Management & Other Benefits of CBD and its Precursor CBDA Aging is inevitable and often comes with waking up to sore joints and discomfort. Seniors often rely on prescription medications to alleviate health issues, but these can often come with unwanted side effects and complications. This can make finding…

hemp tea

hemp tea and cbda tea

Hemp Tea – and the benefits of its acidic cannabinoid, CBDA Hemp is known for its calming effects, and is enjoyed by many CBDA and CBD users for relaxation. Hemp tea can be a great way to get some of the benefits for the mind and body, but how do you start? Article Highlights Enjoy…

does thca get you high

does thca get you high

Does THCA get you high – The THCA Guide You’ve heard of THC and maybe delta-9 THC, but what is THCA? This is not just another random cannabinoid, THCA is the naturally occurring precursor to delta 9 THC. Does THCA in the cannabis plant get you high? It depends what you do with it.  …

delta 8 and alcohol

delta 8 and alcohol

Delta 8 and Alcohol – What to Know Are you mixing alcohol with delta 8 and wondering if there could be unwanted side effects? People are trying new ways to bring delta 8 THC into parties and social events, but should you be drinking alcohol as well? Maybe you have a hangover from consuming alcohol…