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can you drive on cbd

Can You Drive on CBD? Understanding the Impact on Driving Ability

CBD is not psychoactive, but may cause drowsiness at higher doses, so wait a bit and see how you feel if you end up taking a lot. Also, CBD is not a controlled substance, and you currently wont be charged with DUI if ONLY CBD is in your syste.

Cannabidiol, found in cannabis plant, is popularly known as CBD. It has been gaining popularity in recent years for its many health benefits. More people are consuming CBD because its more widely available, and now is found in many forms including oils, tinctures, creams, and even food and beverages. However, this rise in popularity also raises questions about the impact of CBD on driving and using heavy machinery, similar to THC.

Although CBD is non-intoxicating and does not cause a “high” feeling that that is typically associated with marijuana, it can still affect the body and mind in ways that could impact driving. This is a concern for drivers taking CBD and requires further exploration.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between CBD and driving, including the latest research, legal regulations surrounding driving under the influence of drugs, and practical considerations for those consuming CBD who engage in safety-sensitive tasks such as driving.


  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound extracted from the hemp plant, a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa plant.
  • CBD is not a controlled substance, and currently, you cant get charged with DUI for CBD consumption.
  • Despite being considered safe for most individuals, there is still some evidence suggesting that consuming CBD can impact driving ability due to its relaxing properties.
  • Some people have reported feelings of drowsiness or reduced reaction time after taking CBD, which could pose a risk while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.
  • It is essential to remember that more research is needed to fully understand the impact of CBD on driving, so it is recommended that drivers exercise caution when consuming higher amounts of CBD, especially before driving or any other safety-sensitive tasks.

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CBD and Its Interaction with the Human Body

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound extracted from the hemp plant, a subspecies of the Cannabis sativa plant. Unlike THC, the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana, CBD does not get you high, which presumably is the main reason its not considered a controlled substance.

CBD has many effects on the body, and most of these effects are through its boosting of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system regulates many different bodily functions, like mood, appetite, pain sensation, and sleep. The ECS is composed of multiple types of receptors, but the two main ones are CB1 and CB2. Currently, CBD is well recognized to only modify CB2 receptors, unlike THC which is primarily focused on CB1.

Much of the research around CBD has been determining its therapeutic potential for alleviating anxiety and depression, pain relief, and enhancement of sleep quality. There is also some preliminary evidence that suggests CBD may improve cognitive function, but more research is necessary to verify these results.

It is essential to keep in mind that the effects of CBD may react differently based on the dose, method of consumption, and the individual. For instance, some people may feel drowsy after consuming high doses of CBD oil, while others may experience no change in alertness level. Other factors such as age, weight, and overall health can also affect.

CBD in dietary supplements and cannabinoid therapeutics are by law under 0.3% delta 9 THC. However, there can be trace amounts of delta 9 THC in full spectrum CBD or CBDA product, although not enough to get you high, it may be enough to show up on a drug test if taken regularly.

Potential side effects

While CBD has minimal effects on driving capabilities when taken at low doses, at higher doses you should consider:

  1. waiting 30 minutes to an hour before driving to see if you are too drowsy to operate.
  2. If you are on other medications, check with your healthcare provider, since CBD can interact with other medications.

If you are taking CBD for specific reasons, it is very helpful to keep a journal to track how well the effect is on sleep disorders, cognitive function, and other factors.


The Intersection of CBD and Driving

As the popularity of CBD products continues to grow, concerns about whether CBD can lead to “driving under the influence” similar THC have arisen. Despite studies showing CBD is safe for most individuals, there is still some evidence suggesting that consuming CBD can impact driving ability. For example, some people have reported feelings of drowsiness or reduced reaction time after taking higher doses of CBD. This could pose a risk while behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

Although there have been a few studies conducted on the effects of CBD on driving, the results are sometimes different, but typically show no effect at lower to moderate doses. Factors such as the range of CBD products used and the methods for measuring results make it difficult to draw strong conclusions.

While more research is needed to determine the dosing range that may lead to a substantial impact on driving, moderate doses that dont make you drowsy should be fine. Until there is a clearer view, it is suggested that motorists practice caution when taking higher CBD. Since CBD and driving is an ever changing and developing topic, it is vital to stay informed by reading more articles and keeping up with new studies on the subject.


Legal Framework for Driving Under the Influence of CBD

Driving under the influence of drugs, like both prescription and illicit drugs, is illegal in all states in the U.S. CBD is not a controlled substance, and thus not considered for DUI charges. The specific laws and penalties differ by state. Hence, the federal government has established guidelines for identifying drug-induced impairment while driving.

However, the link between CBD and driving is still not well known. Together with the issue of determining impairment is complicated, but mostly relies on whether the individual gets drowsy or sleepy from taking the CBD. In today’s time, only THC is specifically tested for in most drug tests used by law enforcement. Note that having any amount of THC in your system can result in impaired driving charges. CBD is not clearly tested for in these drug tests. The levels of CBD that would result in impairment and negatively impact cognitive performance while driving have not been precisely determined.

It is also worth noting that some CBD products may have small amounts of THC. This could result in impairment. Therefore, it is vital to be fully knowledgeable of the THC content of any CBD products you use. This is also to remind you to avoid consuming CBD before driving. The effects of CBD on driving ability can also vary based on individual factors. This may include tolerance, dose, and the method of administration.

Studies on the effects of CBD on driving ability have shown varied results. Some studies indicate that CBD may have a negative impact on driving performance. On the other hand, others suggest that it may have no significant effect. Further research is needed, especially studies that utilize simulated car tests on rural roads. This test will help us to better understand the impact of CBD on driving. In the meantime, as a precautionary measure, it is best to avoid consuming CBD before operating a vehicle.

Practical Considerations for Driving After Using CBD

As more hemp-based CBD products come on the market, there is a wide variety in the dosage of these products, which may improve the therapeutic effects, but increases the chances of compromised driving. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how these products may be affecting you and your driving ability. Before getting behind the wheel, it’s recommended to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour hour after taking a CBD product before deciding to drive. This is done to allow the full effects of CBD to materialize to be felt, so you dont get surprised in the middle of a drive.

A simulated driving test can provide an indication of how different concentrations of CBD may affect driving ability, with some studies finding no difference after taking CBD. However, it’s important to keep in mind that individual tolerance, the method of administration, and the presence of other substances can also play a role. Additionally, CBD-induced feelings, such as drowsiness causing reduced reaction time, can also impact driving ability and should be taken into consideration.

The legal limit for cannabis-related active ingredients while driving is still a subject of ongoing discussion. As a result, it’s essential to be aware of the subjective experiences and mental state that may impair your driving ability, even if you are under the legal limit. Substance abuse, including cannabis, can affect your reaction time, judgement, and coordination, making it dangerous to operate a vehicle. It’s always best to avoid consuming any impairing substances before driving and to find a safe and responsible means of transportation.


Final Thoughts: The Impact of CBD on Driving and Making Responsible Choices

Based on recent studies, it is evident that the impact of CBD on driving ability is not yet fully understood. Although some studies have shown varied results, it is important to be mindful and make responsible choices when it comes to combining CBD and driving.

Despite being a non-intoxicating compound, CBD can induce feelings that could impair driving abilities. As the legal framework regarding driving under the influence of drugs continues to develop, it is essential to stay informed about the harmful effects that using CBD could have on driving.

Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to make an informed decision about the safe use of CBD and to drive safely after taking it. By being mindful of the potential impact of CBD on driving, individuals can minimize the risk and ensure that they drive responsibly. So, it is always better to drive safe and make the right choices!


Team Dos

Colin Reily PhD

Article scientifically and medically reviewed for accuracy. Colin Reily is a Professor of Medicine and scientific consultant.

Published by
Colin Reily PhD

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