Categories: CBDA Basics

CBDA and Cancer: What Does the Science Say?

The moment cancer enters your life, it brings a shadow of uncertainty and fear. The fight ahead is daunting, and the feelings of hopelessness can feel impossible to shake. 

Yet, amidst this struggle, advancements in science offer new allies. Among them, CBDA, a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, emerges as a beacon of potential. 

Research on CBDA and cancer, particularly on breast cancer, hints at the cannabinoid’s ability to not only combat cancer cells but also alleviate the harsh side effects of conventional therapies.

We’ll unpack the science of CBDA and breast cancer along with other types of cancer below. You’ll discover not only how this cannabinoid can be a form of support in this battle but also how to use it, including where to find potent, pure CBDA for sale online.

Cancer: Types, Causes, and Diagnosis

Cancer manifests in myriad forms, each with distinct characteristics and implications. Carcinomas originate in the skin or tissues lining internal organs, while sarcomas develop in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, or other connective tissues. 

Leukemia begins in the blood-forming tissue of the bone marrow, and lymphomas start in the immune system. Each type demands a tailored approach to treatment and management.

Risk factors for cancer are as diverse as the disease itself. Genetic predispositions play a significant role, but lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet can increase susceptibility. Environmental exposures to carcinogens like asbestos or UV radiation also contribute to the risk.

Diagnosing cancer involves a multifaceted approach. Initial screenings, such as mammograms for breast cancer or colonoscopies for colorectal cancer, are crucial for early detection. If cancer is suspected, diagnostic imaging like CT scans or MRIs can localize tumors. 

To confirm a diagnosis, a biopsy is often performed, where a tissue sample is extracted and examined for cancerous cells. Only through a thorough diagnostic process can an accurate classification be made, paving the way for an effective treatment plan.

Once you receive a positive cancer diagnosis, your entire world feels as if it has turned upside down. The things you were stressing about before don’t seem to matter all of a sudden. 

Once you get past the initial shock, your focus will turn to finding effective remedies to 1) make yourself as comfortable as possible during the battle ahead and 2) stop the spread of this malicious disease.

That’s where CBDA comes in as a potentially multi-pronged support system… 

What is CBDA?

So, what is CBDA? Also known as cannabidiolic acid, this is the acidic precursor to cannabidiol (CBD), one of the most prevalent compounds found in the cannabis plant. 

Cannabis produces CBDA naturally as it grows, which doesn’t have psychoactive effects. Through a process called decarboxylation, which can occur naturally over time or through the application of heat, CBDA converts into CBD. 

This transformation alters the compound’s structure and, consequently, its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. We talk more about how to decarboxylate CBDA in our blog.

While CBD has its place, the truth is, it absorbs poorly in the bloodstream. In turn, users have to ramp up their dose to feel therapeutic benefits. But in comparing CBDA vs CBD, there has been a profound discovery – CBDA absorption can be as much as 1,000% higher! This is why a link between CBDA and cancer is so compelling.

The extraction and production of CBDA are delicate processes that require precision to maintain the compound’s integrity. Methods such as cold-pressing or supercritical CO2 extraction are employed to extract CBDA without initiating decarboxylation, ensuring the compound remains in its natural, acidic form. 

This careful preservation is crucial for retaining the full spectrum of the plant’s benefits, as heat can degrade certain cannabinoids and terpenes that contribute to CBDA’s efficacy.

The legal status of CBDA is entwined with that of CBD and cannabis in general. In regions where CBD derived from hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) is legal, CBDA is typically also lawful. 

As for availability, CBDA is becoming more accessible through wellness products like oils, tinctures, and edibles, offering consumers a range of options for incorporating this cannabinoid into their health regimen.

Companies like Natural Dos are leading the charge, making it easier to harness the power of this obscure cannabinoid in your own life. We’ll talk about what makes our formulation the best CBDA tincture on the market shortly. For now, let’s narrow our focus to the conversation at hand.

CBDA and Cancer: How Can This Cannabinoid Be a Part of Your Treatment Journey?

So, is there a link between CBDA and cancer? Yes – a very promising one, in fact. While research is still in its early stages, the findings to date suggest that CBDA may have several applications for individuals battling cancer, from inhibiting tumor growth to easing the side effects of conventional treatments. 

Inhibiting Cancer Cell Migration

One of the most compelling aspects of CBDA’s potential in cancer treatment is its ability to inhibit the migration of cancer cells. Studies have shown that CBDA can interfere with the pathways that cancer cells use to spread. 

For instance, research indicates that CBDA has been found to inhibit the migration of breast cancer cells. This property is crucial because the ability of cancer cells to invade new tissues is a hallmark of cancer progression, leading to metastasis, which is responsible for the majority of cancer-related deaths. 

This is not a new revelation, as it was first examined in 2012 when one study witnessed CBDA inhibit MDA-MB-231a highly invasive type of breast cancer cell. By potentially impeding this process, CBDA offers a beacon of hope for limiting the spread of cancer within the body.

Now, this study only demonstrates a link between CBDA and breast cancer. That being said, there is still reason to believe it could offer a similar effect on other types of aggressive cancer cells. 

But like all cannabis research, scientists have been handcuffed by legislation that prevents effective clinical research. Hopefully, we’ll have more evidence to support CBDA as a cancer inhibitor now that the Farm Bill has legalized hemp nationwide. 

Alleviating Nausea from Other Cancer Treatments

Beyond actually battling cancer cells head-on, there is still reason to consider incorporating CBDA into a cancer treatment regimen. If nothing else, the cannabinoid can make you a bit more comfortable as you feel the nasty effects of chemotherapy or radiation – such as nausea. 

Nausea and vomiting are common and debilitating side effects of many cancer treatments, including chemotherapy. The antiemetic properties of cannabinoids are well-documented, and this is why using CBDA for nausea works so well. 

It has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing nausea and vomiting, with some studies suggesting that CBDA may be even more potent than CBD in this regard. 

The ability of CBDA to alleviate these symptoms can significantly improve the quality of life for cancer patients, helping them maintain their appetite and nutrition, which are critical factors in their overall health and recovery. 

Reducing Pain From Other Cancer Treatments

Alongside nausea, traditional treatments, surgery, and the cancer itself can cause immense pain for those suffering from the disease. Thus, a pain management strategy is a key focus as you embark on this journey ahead. This is where we must discuss the concept of using CBDA for pain.

CBDA has demonstrated potential as an analgesic, potentially reducing pain without the psychoactive effects associated with THC. 

Its interaction with the endocannabinoid system and other pain-regulating systems in the body could make CBDA a valuable adjunct to traditional pain management strategies, offering relief with fewer side effects compared to opioids and other potent painkillers. In fact, there are no questionable CBDA side effects to be concerned about. 

Inflammation is a common response to cancer and its treatments, and managing it is a key aspect of improving patient outcomes. CBDA has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce the inflammation associated with cancer, thus potentially easing pain and promoting overall wellness.

You can learn more about CBDA for inflammation in our blog, as we examine this link more in-depth there. But below, we want to look at a few other promising relationships between CBDA and cancer.

Other Benefits of CBDA For Those With Cancer

Cancer treatment is often accompanied by a host of physical and psychological challenges. CBDA, with its broad therapeutic profile, may offer additional benefits that extend beyond direct cancer cell interaction and symptom management.

Take the link between CBDA and sleep, for example. Adequate sleep is essential for the healing process, yet many cancer patients struggle with sleep disturbances. CBDA’s potential to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety could translate into better sleep quality. 

By potentially modulating the release of neurotransmitters and acting on serotonin receptors, CBDA may help regulate sleep patterns, allowing for more restorative sleep and improved circadian rhythms.

You can also use CBDA for depression and CBDA for anxiety, as the psychological toll of a cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment can be immense. 

The anxiolytic effects of CBDA have been observed in preclinical studies, suggesting it may help alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with cancer. By potentially enhancing the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation, CBDA may provide a calming effect without the psychoactive impact of THC.

Oxidative stress plays a role in the development and progression of cancer. Antioxidants are vital in neutralizing free radicals, protecting cells from damage. CBDA has shown antioxidant capabilities, which may contribute to its therapeutic potential in cancer care.

How to Use CBDA to Support Your Fight Against Cancer

As you can see, there is great promise in using CBDA as a means of support in the face of a cancer diagnosis. 

Now knowing the link between CBDA and cancer, how can you harness its potential to get back to living a normal life? We’ll talk about how to choose the right products and integrate them into your life below.

Finding Potent, Pure CBDA Products

The first step in incorporating CBDA into your cancer care is to source high-quality, potent products. While the CBDA market is small, it’s growing fast – and companies like ours are pioneering the way forward.

Look for reputable manufacturers that provide third-party lab testing results to verify the purity and concentration of CBDA in their products. These tests should confirm the absence of contaminants such as pesticides, heavy metals, and solvents. 

Additionally, consider the extraction method used, as CO2 extraction is known for its ability to preserve the integrity of CBDA without the use of harsh chemicals.

Here at Natural Dos, we’ve earned the trust of thousands of individuals who rely on our products to live healthier, happier lifestyles – all through our commitment to delivering the best products possible.

From the quality hemp it starts with to our advanced extraction methods, natural infusion processes, and lab testing – we prioritize potency and purity at every step. And, you can rest assured you’re getting the quality you deserve through our CoAs, which are readily available.

We have a myriad of different products to choose from, too. Whether you prefer something quick and easy like an edible or something you can fine-tune the dosage of with precision like CBDA oil, here are our most popular collections:

You can feel confident placing your order today knowing you’re going to love your products – because if you don’t, you can always take advantage of our 100-day money-back guarantee. 

That’s how certain we are that our produfts are the key to unlocking a sense of calm and peace in your life once more. So, order yours today and learn more about how to reap the CBDA benefits below.

Integrating CBDA with Traditional Cancer Treatments

When integrating CBDA with traditional cancer treatments, it is critical to consult with your oncologist or a healthcare professional knowledgeable about cannabis-derived therapies. 

The goal is to complement, not interfere with, your existing treatment regimen. 

CBDA may be used to mitigate side effects such as nausea or pain, but it’s important to ensure it does not interact negatively with other medications you’re taking. A healthcare provider can help tailor the integration of CBDA to your specific needs and treatment plan.

Dosage Considerations for CBDA in Cancer Support

Determining the right CBDA dosage can be complex, as it depends on factors such as the type and stage of cancer, the presence of symptoms, and the individual’s overall health and body chemistry. 

Start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed, paying close attention to your body’s response. Some patients may find relief with very small doses, while others may require a higher intake to achieve the desired effects. 

Always follow dose recommendations carefully depending on the product you’re consuming, as our gummies will have different recommendation from our tinctures.

Consistency is also key. Maintaining a regular dosing schedule can help manage symptoms more effectively. You’ll find that after a few weeks or months of regularly incorporating CBDA into your life, its effects begin to compound.

Monitoring Your Response to CBDA

Monitoring your response to CBDA is an ongoing process. Keep a detailed journal of your dosages, times of administration, and any changes in symptoms or side effects. 

Note improvements in pain levels, sleep quality, mood, and appetite, as well as any adverse reactions. Regular check-ins with your healthcare provider are essential to assess the efficacy of CBDA in your treatment and make any necessary adjustments.

We hope that you’re able to harness the relationship between CBDA and cancer to not only live more comfortably during this tumultuous time but perhaps even fight cancer head-on. As we wrap up this guide, know that our thoughts are with you and we’re rooting for you!

Closing Thoughts on CBDA and Cancer

In conclusion, CBDA offers a beacon of hope for cancer patients seeking complementary therapies. Its potential to inhibit cancer cell migration, alleviate treatment-related nausea, reduce pain, and improve sleep and mood underscores its promise. 

Remember, quality matters, so choose pure, potent CBDA products and consult with healthcare professionals to safely integrate them into your treatment plan. Keep track of your dosage and responses to navigate this journey with informed precision.

Our blog has more resources on topics like CBDA vs CBG, does CBDA get you high, CBDA vs CBDV, CBDA flower, best CBDA oil, and more. But with an understanding of the link between CBDA and cancer, it’s time to now set yourself up for success in the battle ahead. 

Discover the supportive power of CBDA in your cancer treatment at Natural Dos today. Explore our carefully curated selection of high-quality CBDA products and take the first step towards enhanced well-being!

Colin Reily PhD

Article scientifically and medically reviewed for accuracy. Colin Reily is a Professor of Medicine and scientific consultant.

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