Categories: Anxiety and Stress

Broad Spectrum vs Full Spectrum CBD for Anxiety

Broad Spectrum vs Full Spectrum CBD for Anxiety: Exploring the Differences and Benefits

CBD, short for Cannabidiol, has been taking the wellness world by storm recently. Heard of it? If not, no worries. I’m here to help you navigate.

In a nutshell, CBD is a compound (the cool, non-psychoactive type) extracted from the cannabis plant. That means it won’t get you high. But what it does do is soothe and relax you – which is why people are super keen on using these approved nonprescription CBD products, particularly for handling anxiety and promoting mental health.

Thing is, not all CBD is created equal – with two of the most popular type being Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum CBD. They might look like they’re cut from the same cloth, but the main difference is the presence of THC in full spectrum, which can be quite significant to how they affect you.

Because delta-9 THC is required to be less than 0.3%, full spectrum CBD products wont get you high, but enough to have a relaxing effect if you are looking for anxiety relief.

This article will give you the critical points on what makes Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum CBD different, how they may benefit you and which one might be the better choice for your anxiety management and other mental health concerns.

Article Highlight

  • Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum CBD – they’re like siblings! Both are hemp derived CBD products, but while Full Spectrum includes all the goodies like cannabinoids, terpenes, and a sprinkle of THC, Broad Spectrum says “no” to THC but “yes” to most of the other beneficial compounds in the plant.
  • Thinking about using CBD for anxiety management? Your pick between Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum can be a personal one. It might depend on how you feel about THC, your local laws, and more importantly, how your body vibes with each spectrum. No pressure, just go with what feels right for you.
  • Natural Spectrum CBDA oil is also becoming popular, as it contains all the cannabinoids in their original, natural state. It’s increasingly getting some limelight in the CBD world for its potential benefits and might be even more potent than CBD. So, if you’re on the hunt for a more high-potent experience, keep a lookout for Natural Spectrum CBDA products.
  • I can’t stress how important it is to be gentle with yourself when starting your CBD journey. Start with a low dose, always be mindful of how your body is reacting, and only then gradually dial things up. Remember, improving wellness, tackling mental health conditions, and finding balance in health should be a soothing pace, not a hasty sprint. Keep it chill, alright?

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Anxiety and Its Impact on Daily Life

Anxiety is a universal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It’s a normal response to stress or uncertainty, and it can even be beneficial by keeping us alert and focused. However, when anxiety starts to interfere with daily life, it might become a problem.

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions and encompass a variety of forms, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by excessive and constant worrying about everyday situations. People with GAD might become consumed by anxious thoughts and find it difficult to relax or concentrate. They may even experience physical symptoms, such as restlessness, fatigue, or muscle tension.
  • Social anxiety disorder involves intense fear and avoidance of social situations, as the person feels scrutinized or judged by others. This can lead to deep embarrassment or feelings of worthlessness, resulting in the person avoiding activities they once enjoyed.
  • Panic disorder, on the other hand, is marked by recurrent panic attacks, which are sudden episodes of intense fear and discomfort, coupled with physical symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain, or dizziness. These panic attacks can be triggered by actual danger or even the mere thought of a specific situation.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, anxiety disorders affect millions of people around the world. Diagnosing an anxiety disorder usually involves a healthcare professional assessing your anxiety symptoms, medical history, and the impact of anxiety on your daily life. Factors like traumatic events, family history, and environmental stress can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders.

Managing anxiety is often a collaborative effort between you and your healthcare professionals. Proper diagnosis and understanding of the specific triggers and causes of your anxiety can help shape your treatment plan and empower you to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Remember, reaching out to mental health professionals and discussing your symptoms and experiences is essential in managing anxiety disorders. Don’t hesitate to seek help and support if you or a loved one are struggling with anxiety.


Understanding Full Spectrum CBD

Let’s get cozy and talk about Full Spectrum CBD – think of it as the all-inclusive resort of CBD products. It’s got everything that the cannabis plant naturally comes with all packed into one. That means it’s brimming with cannabinoids, terpenes, sometimes flavonoids, and other goodies that are looking out for your wellbeing.

And yes, it also has a smidge of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the compound responsible for the ‘high’ you get with cannabis.

The Entourage Effect

This brings us to a pretty neat feature of Full Spectrum CBD – the ‘entourage effect‘ according to scientific evidence. Imagine all the parts of the cannabis plant, each with its unique benefits, combining their superpowers for your good. That’s precisely what the entourage effect is all about. It’s like each of them adds a spark, and together, they might light up a fireworks show of therapeutic potential!

Legal Considerations and THC Content

Now, before you rush off to try Full Spectrum CBD, there’s something you should know about the THC it contains. Although the THC in Full Spectrum CBD is usually less than 0.3% (a pretty tiny amount), it’s a known party crasher for drug tests. Also, THC isn’t exactly the favorite guest in legal circles, with strict laws in many places around its sale and use.

So, when you’re choosing Full Spectrum CBD, it’s essential to be aware of the rules in your area and know that, despite all its potential benefits, it brings along a little THC.

Learning About Broad Spectrum CBD

Now, let’s switch gears and chat about Broad Spectrum CBD. Imagine it as the almost-twin sibling of Full Spectrum CBD, but with one key difference – no THC hanging around.

Extraction Process

It all starts the same way Full Spectrum CBD does – an initial extraction to pull out all the cannabis plant’s compounds. This produces what is called a “crude extract”, which is typically a very dark substance, similar to tar.

This is followed by purification, typically short path distillation, which both converts the CBDA to CBD, and separates it from the impurities. This purified CBD oil product contains all the cannabinoids including THC, but for broad spectrum CBD oil, they need another step to remove the THC.

The downside to broad spectrum CBD products is they usually dont have as many minor cannabinoids as full spectrum CBD products since the THC removal step often removes other cannabinoids as well.

You could say Broad Spectrum CBD sits comfortably in the middle between Full Spectrum CBD, which contains everything (even THC), and CBD Isolate, which strictly plays solo with only the CBD compound.

THC Removal in Broad Spectrum CBD

The total absence of THC is the real star feature of Broad Spectrum CBD. It lets you enjoy all the benefits of the ‘entourage effect’, minus the THC.

However, here’s a heads up – depending on the specific product and the nitty-gritty of regulation and testing, tiny traces of THC might sneak in. That’s why, if you’re being frequently drug tested, you should buy your CBD products from sources that you know and trust to be thorough and transparent.

Always check the certificate of analysis!


Differences Between Full Spectrum CBD vs Broad Spectrum CBD

So, how do Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum CBD stand apart from each other, and which one is your MVP for managing anxiety?

Cannabinoid and Terpene Profiles

Both come from the same plant, of course, but the guest list of compounds they keep is where they differ. Full Spectrum CBD rolls out the red carpet for everyone – all cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial bits of the cannabis plant are invited, THC included.

This full house of compounds might just work better together, amplifying the positive vibes for your wellbeing – thanks to the infamous ‘entourage effect’.

Broad Spectrum CBD, the gracious host that it is, welcomes a broad range of these cannabinoids and terpenes too but shows THC the exit door. This sneaky move ensures you don’t miss out on the goodies minus any legal or personal tiffs with THC.

We should note that most cannabis companies will terpenes back into the product since the terpenes are often distilled off separately during purification. This should not affect the end product though.

Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Spectrum for Anxiety Management

Choosing your champion in the anxiety fight between Full Spectrum versus Broad Spectrum CBD can be a bit like playing favorites. Both contenders can pack a punch with their version of the ‘entourage effect’.

There’s a bit of a buzz around Full Spectrum CBD as alternative treatments and potentially offering more relief, as some folks argue that CBD and THC might be the perfect tag-team for certain conditions. The small risk is that the trace amounts of THC might not fit everyone’s legal status or personal choices, and might (though rarely) interfere with drug tests.

Broad Spectrum CBD brings the cannabis plant’s benefits to the table, sans THC, a comfort for those with THC-sensitivity or those with regular drug screenings to consider. But the big question mark here is whether its ‘entourage effect’ holds a candle to that of its Full Spectrum sibling. The jury’s still out on this one!

Remember, everyone’s story with pure CBD is a bit different – be it Full or Broad Spectrum. The magnitude of your anxiety and other medical conditions you’d want to improve with them, your body’s own response, and your comfort with THC are all-important pages in your CBD story. So, choose the CBD that reads right for you.

Considering CBDA in Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum Products

While CBD has our attention and love, there’s another cousin in the cannabinoid family that’s been making waves: cannabidiolic acid, or CBDA. This compound is like the au naturel version of CBD, the natural and unheated form in the cannabis plant.

Lately, many CBD companies have been including CBDA in their Full Spectrum and Broad Spectrum CBD offerings, and for a good reason.

Research suggests that CBDA could be quite the overachiever – possibly even more so than CBD. Multiple studies show that CBDA is up to 500% better better absorbed than CBD. That kind of potential might just make you dance with excitement!

If you’re after a more potent CBD experience to help with anxiety, then you might want to keep an eye out for Full Spectrum or Broad Spectrum CBD products with CBDA in the mix. CBDA has some unique properties that make it a great CBD alternative for anxiety disorders.

But hold up, when you’re adding something new to your well-being routine, it’s essential to start off gentle, just like with any other new wellness adventure. Begin with a small dosage and gradually build up, all the while paying attention to how your body feels and responds to it.

After all, the ultimate goal is to tango with our health and well-being in harmony, right? Having a wider variety of cannabis derived compounds helps make your CBD experience more customized and effective.


Selecting Optimal Cannabis-Derived Products For Your Needs

Choosing the perfect cannabis-derived product can feel like a bit of a maze, right? Let me help ease the confusion. Picture this like assembling the pieces of a puzzle. You’re on the lookout for a few key pieces – things like clinical cannabis efficacy standards, the role of other cannabinoids, and heavy metal testing, just to name a few.

As you evaluate ingredients, ask yourself – “What’s in this stuff? What effects could these ingredients have?” Remember, it’s not just about the contents, but also about where they come from. So, you’ll want to do a bit of detective work to find out about the product manufacturer. Do they have a reputation for quality? Do they follow safe manufacturing processes?

An extra seal of assurance comes from those handy third-party test results. They’re like the detective’s report, telling you if the product manufacturer has been playing by the rules of handling controlled substances. If you dont know how to read a Certificate of Analysis (CoA), check out our CoA guide.

What you should look for in a CoA, whether its broad spectrum CBD products or full spectrum CBD gummies:

  1. Potency: the amount and kind of cannabinoid in the final product
  2. Heavy metals: hemp i known for absorbing both good and bad metals from the soil, so its important to test.
  3. Pesticides: while its not legal to use most pesticides when growing hemp, the plant can absorb them from the ground if they were used in prior years for other crops.
  4. Solvents: hemp is often extracted using different solvents, and while this wont affect the product, you need to make sure they were properly removed.
  5. Microbials: any food product should be tested for potentially harmful microbes.



Alright, my friend, we’ve come a long way in our CBD journey together, haven’t we? We’ve debunked what Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum CBD really are, and how they’re different. Both are from the same cannabis clan, but their individual profiles – with or without THC – could be the game-changer in your battle against anxiety.

Choosing between the “welcomes-everybody” Full Spectrum CBD and the THC-free Broad Spectrum CBD is a personal pick, and you will need to decide what works for your anxiety. Maybe you’re all cool with THC. Or maybe there are legalities you need to think about.

Or perhaps it all comes down to how your body is vibing with CBD. You do you!

And hey, remember the new kid on the block, CBDA? That’s your ticket to a turbocharged wellness ride! But whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned pro at CBD use, always, always remember to start slowly and watch how your body responds to these dietary supplements.

Because health isn’t a sprint, improving any medical conditions is a steady, loving walk towards feeling the best version of yourself. So, take it easy, one step at a time!


Team Dos

Colin Reily PhD

Article scientifically and medically reviewed for accuracy. Colin Reily is a Professor of Medicine and scientific consultant.

Published by
Colin Reily PhD

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