Categories: Anxiety and Stress

CBD Flower for Anxiety

CBD Flower for Anxiety: Understanding the Potential Benefits and Side Effects

Heard the buzz about CBD flowers yet? They’re causing quite a stir in the world of natural health, and for good reason – these little wonders might just pack a hefty wellness punch.

If your looking to relieve symptoms of anxiety, CBD flower may have some of the effects you are looking for. A good CBD flower product should be in range of 18-25% cannabinoids.

Make sure to check the testing report (CoA) to make sure there is very little delta-9 THC. It should be under 0.3%, but sometimes they can be much higher. This is important since a high THC content can be the reason for CBD flower anxiety.

Now, we totally get it – trying a new remedy, especially a natural one, requires feeling out the waters first, right? So how about we demystify the whole CBD flower scene, specifically when it comes to managing anxiety and its mental and physical symptoms?

Article Highlight:

  • So, you’ve heard about these CBD flowers, right? They come directly from the hemp plant and pack a potential wellness punch, especially when dealing with anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and separation anxiety disorder, just to name a few.
  • Choosing a CBD hemp flower that’s going to work best for your anxiety? Not always straightforward, but definitely doable. Consider the strain, terpene profile, dose, and source. And remember, you’re never alone in this journey. Connect with a hemp professional and tackle this together.
  • Here’s something you might find interesting about CBD flowers: they have a quick effect and offer a unique ‘entourage effect,’ giving you a more rounded experience than some other CBD products out there. But remember, we’re all unique, and what works best for others may not work the same for you. It’s all about finding what matches your needs perfectly.
  • There’s another player in the cannabinoid game: CBDA. It’s making quite a buzz with its potential against anxiety. The perks? It can help bump up your serotonin levels and bring down inflammation, all without the “high”.

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Can CBD Flower Strains Help with Anxiety?

So, CBD flower (or CBD hemp flower, as some might call it) is basically the bud of the hemp plant. This plant is a cousin of marijuana, and it’s grown legally, loaded with canna-goodness like CBDA.


CBD flowers dont actually contain much CBD, they mainly contain its precursor thats naturally produced, CBDA (cannabidiolic acid). When exposed to heat, the CBDA converts to CBD, so anytime you smoke hemp flower, its actually CBDA your starting with.

But lets talk about CBD – it belongs to a big family of over a hundred cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. But don’t mix it up with its superstar relative, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), because CBD doesn’t get you “high.”

The Role of CBD in Anxiety Management

Let’s face it: anxiety disorders are a real pain, right? They’re super common and can seriously mess with your life. There are many forms of anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder that can even progress to depression.

You could be using those pharmaceutical anti anxiety medications, but sometimes, just sometimes, you crave a more natural approach. Often, the long term side effects can be problematic, and sometimes addictive when using prescriptions.

That’s where CBD steps in, cape flying in the wind and all!

You see, CBD helps with your body’s endocannabinoid system, which heroically handles everything from pain and sleep to mood and—you guessed it—it may help treat anxiety disorders. By buddying up with your body’s cannabinoid receptors (such as CB2 receptors), CBD might just help ease those nasty feelings of anxiety disorders as well as other mental disorders.


What To Look for in The Best CBD Flower For Anxiety?

When you’re on the hunt for the best CBD flower to help alleviate anxiety, keep these essential factors in mind:


First things first, what you’re on the lookout for are strains that are packed with CBD, but won’t leave you feeling spaced out. You want something that’ll cool your worries, not rattle your brain! Perhaps you’ve heard about the Remedy strain, or seen options recommended by trustworthy sources like CBD Incubator. I gotta tell ya, these strains are like Superman for anxiety – real heroes!

Terpene Profile

So, what’s the next step on this adventure? Terpenes! Ever heard of ’em? They’re these cool plant compounds that decide how CBD flowers party with your body. Some of these terpenes, like the limonene and myrcene, are real pros at winding down anxiousness. So, when you’re eyeing up that CBD flower, keep a lookout for these helpful hustlers.

Lab Testing

Now, let’s gab about lab testing. This is super key when starting your CBD journey – don’t skip it! Why, you ask? Because you need to be sure your choice of CBD flower has had its VIP lab tour – this confirms it’s free from any unwanted guests and has the ideal amount of CBD.

What are these potential unwanted contaminants?

  1. Pesticides: While it is federally illegal to use most pesticides on hemp plants, there can still be residual pesticides in the soil from prior crops that the hemp plant absorbs.
  2. Heavy metals: All soil contains low level of heavy metals, but some have higher than normal. The hemp flower can concentrate these, so its important to check the CoA for testing. The top metals are lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As).
  3. Microbials: Some molds can produce toxins that can have serious health consequences.

Taking this step offers you peace of mind, by making sure you’re getting a high-quality, safe option.

If you dont know how to read lab tests, see our CBD CoA guide.


Finally, think about where your CBD flower is coming from. It’s super important that you trust the supplier or manufacturer. That’s how you know you’re getting a premium product that’s up to snuff.

Keep in mind that the effects of CBD flower can vary from one person to another. So always consult with a medical professional before trying if you are already on prescription medications.

Should You Consider CBD Flowers for Anxiety?

So, you’re thinking about trying out CBD flowers to help champs down anxiety disorders? Well, let’s delve a bit deeper and pit CBD flowers against other much-loved CBD products like oils and edibles. We can then figure out what might just be the perfect fit for you.

CBD Flower

First off, think about CBD flowers. One amazing factor about smoking or vaping these flowers is that they kick in pronto! As you inhale, cannabinoids fly straight into your bloodstream through your lungs. So you start feeling the benefits way quicker than other methods.

What’s more, CBD flowers come with this rocking entourage effect. They house a full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, all jamming together to potentially dial up the benefits. This could mean a more immersive experience as compared to using isolates or broad-spectrum CBD alternatives.

CBD Oils

Switching gears to CBD oils now. One standout perk here is the control you get over your dosage. With oils or tinctures, you can turn up or down the CBD amount just how you want, putting you in the driver’s seat of your treatment plan.

Another crowd-pleaser with CBD oils is their discreteness. If you’d rather not turn heads with your CBD use, oils step in with no strong smells or visible signs, making them your sneaky ninja option.

CBD Edibles

Similar to oils, CBD edibles offer a more low-profile way to enjoy CBD. They slot seamlessly into your snacking routine without causing a stir.

At the end of the day, it’s all about trying things out and identifying what floats your boat. We’re all wired differently, so it’s worth a sit-down with your healthcare provider to find your perfect CBD match.

Keep in mind, nailing the ideal CBD product and dosage for anxiety might require a bit of playing around, but with a dash of patience and some good advice, you’re soon on track to uncover what works best for dialing down your anxiety.


Considerations and Tips for CBD Flower Usage

I know, I know. Figuring out how much of the CBD flower to use can feel like you’re trying to solve a major math problem. But don’t sweat it, I’ve got some nuggets of wisdom to help you out!

Start Slow and Low

The key thing here is to go slow and keep it low. Think of communicating with your body like learning a new dance. You gotta take it step-by-step, first twirl with small amounts, then as you feel more confident and understand your body’s rhythm, up those dance moves. This lets you figure out how your body jives with CBD and helps you find the right balance.

Consider Various Factors

Now hold up, there are some things to consider before jumping on the dance floor. Things like your body weight, the main act you’re treating, your unique body chemistry, and the strength of CBD in the flower. All these players need a spotlight when sizing up what your ideal dosage might be.

Remember, we’re all different, a health dance routine that works for your friend may not work for you, so it’s crucial to find your own groove.

Side effects: CBD flower anxiety

We would be remiss if we didnt talk about potential downsides to smoking CBD hemp flower. There are couple significant potential downsides to getting your CBD this way.

Smoking organic material, even organic hemp flower, can be bad for your lungs. This is because the when plant material is heated to the point of smoke, it creates free radicals that can injure your lungs.

While the CBD and cannabinoids themselves can have beneficial properties, whether that outweighs the damage from smoke is unclear.

We doubt that that smoking CBD hemp flower now and again will cause any long-term complications, but more chronic use might. The research is not clear on this subject like it is with cigarette smoke.

Overall, you may get some anti anxiety benefits of CBD hemp flower but what are the other costs? This is why we typically recommend using extracted CBD or CBDA oil for help with stress and anxiety.

Talk to a Healthcare Provider

And here’s something super important: talking to your doctor. Trust me, it’ll make your CBD dance smooth and safe to consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you’re currently on other medications.

You see, CBD flower can get chatty with certain meds, and your doctor should be familiar with these interactions and can guide you on this. They can spot any potential dance-offs, especially when it comes to liver enzymes that are like the club bouncers for drug metabolism.

And if you’re on blood pressure meds, remember to keep an eye on your BP – CBD has been known to do a little dip in blood pressure.

By thinking about these tips and having a convo with a healthcare pro, you’re setting yourself up to win the CBD dance-off. Remember, finding your right dance move and dosage can take a bit of time and practice. But hey, with patience and guidance, you’re on track to boogie down your anxiety!

CBDA- A Promising Cannabinoid in Anxiety Management

Ever heard about Cannabidiolic Acid or CBDA? It’s one of the compounds found in raw cannabis plants. Think of CBDA as the starting point before the plant gets heated and the magic of decarboxylation begins.

If you’ve smoke CBD hemp flower before, your actually smoking CBDA and turning it into CBD!

If you’re looking to manage anxiety, here’s how CBDA might become your new ally:

CBDA and the endocannabinoid system

Similar to CBD, CBDA can also help boost the endocannabinoid system by binding to cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2R). This has implications for anxiety and stress since the endocannabinoid system is closely involved in many of the processes that control mood.

Boosts Serotonin Production

Ever wondered about the secret behind that ‘happy’ feeling? It’s a chemical called serotonin, often dubbed the ‘happiness’ chemical. And guess what? CBDA can help boost it through activation of the 5HT1A serotonin receptor.

A potential serotonin boost could help you navigate through anxiety a little smoother.


You might be thinking, “But won’t cannabis get me high?” Here’s the good news — CBDA is non-psychoactive. That means it won’t get you ‘high’, making it a safer option if you’re dealing with anxiety and don’t want those psychoactive effects.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Here’s another neat feature of CBDA – it has anti-inflammatory properties. While you might be thinking, “What does inflammation have to do with anxiety?” Studies have shown that there can be a connection between the two.

Inflammation is your body’s defense against infections, injuries, or toxins. While usually linked to physical conditions, it can also affect mental health.

Chronic inflammation has been connected to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. With time, it can impact parts of your brain involved in these conditions. CBDA’s anti-inflammatory properties might help reduce inflammation, possibly alleviating anxiety symptoms.



So, there you have it! CBD flower is like a beacon of hope in the world of natural remedies for anxiety. With so many ways to use it and benefits to reap, it’s essential to find the right strain, terpene profile, and dosage for you. Remember, talking with a medical professional is a crucial part of the process to ensure safe and effective usage.

Both CBD and CBDA show great potential in helping relieve anxiety, but we’ve still got heaps to uncover about their effectiveness. You know what’s awesome, though? Personalized, holistic care options like CBD flower are gaining serious momentum in the health and wellness world, giving you alternatives to conventional anxiety medications.


Team Dos

FAQ – CBD Flower for Anxiety

Does CBD flower calm you down?

Yes, many people enjoy using CBD flower for its calming effects. Not all CBD flower is the same though, with differences in the CBD amount and terpene profiles.

What is the best CBD ratio for anxiety?

This will have different answers depending on the person. Because too much THC can often cause anxiety, people typically recommend a higher CBD to THC ratio, with at least 5:1, and sometimes as high as 20:1. CBD can often help mellow out the effects of THC, and in combination can offer a relaxing experience.

Colin Reily PhD

Article scientifically and medically reviewed for accuracy. Colin Reily is a Professor of Medicine and scientific consultant.

Published by
Colin Reily PhD

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